In 1888, the militia, or Alabama State Troops, was composed ot three infantry regiments, the First Infantry Regiment headquartered in Mobile, the Second Infantry Regiment headquartered in Montgomery, and the Third Infantry Regiment headquartered in Selma (Adjuant General's Annual Report, 1888). During the Spanish-American War Alabama's two African-American companies, Gilmer's Rifles of Mobile and the Capitol City Guards of Montgomery, were included in the Third Infantry Regiment. These companies were disbanded in the decade following the war. The entire regiment was disbanded in 1912 after several units repeatedly failed inspection. The few strong units were reorganized as part of the Fourth Alabama Infantry. This series consists of the records sent to the Adjutant General's Office by the Third Infantry Regiment. The records include payrolls, discharges and resignations. Information in these records includes financial data, procedures for obtaining discharges, and the results of elections for officers.